[Demo Gameplay]

You're the last warrior on the Earth to protect the last Magic Crystal. Many of kinds of monster are coming to you to take down the Crystal. Collect crystal pieces and use the magic from them to increase your team and defeat others.

* Introduction:

AWSD / Left Up Down Right: Move your hero.

Z: Attack enemies with a small damage and make them attack you.

X: Heal yourself with some of your crystal pieces.

C: Heal your base with some of your crystal pieces.

Space: Send crystal pieces to a nearest enemy if you are close and there are enough crystal pieces for them.

GMTK Game Jam 2021 [Solo].


- Using more Space key, change enemies to allies (have crystal icon above their heads). Damages from your attack are very little. You can only defeat the monsters if you have a big team enough.

- You can attack the monsters and run to make them follow you to prevent them  from hitting your base while your team kills them.

- Dogs and Cats are not enemies but they will attack you if you fight them. You can make them to be your allies too.

*Arts from  https://pixel-boy.itch.io/ninja-adventure-asset-pack

Change logs:

- Reduce time each waves.

- Monsters appear sooner.

- Reduce map size.


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funny game but to much difficult